Do you remember when you met your Partner “Lover”? Everything was magical, your bodies were turned on and both of you were grateful about life and about each other.. Time went so fast. What happened that you and your Spouse lost that Spark? If you are married, common-law, dating, have you asked questions about what a contribution is for you and your future to stay together or not? Araceli was married & divorced. Her ex-husband and she went to see 5 different Counselors/ Psychologists, and even went to Church weekly for Couple Coaching. They invested time and money for sessions to help them with past relationships and triggers that they carried from Childhood. They experienced few changes and Old-patterns kept repeating. It was very frustrating for both of them. Female and Male Professionals advised them to end the marriage. The Professionals were listening to them and provided them with some material to read and to practice at home. They NEVER did energy clearing on the relationship, which is the core of everything. Energy is our FIRST language. The Professionals advised to the best of their knowledge. How many times do Couples receive projections, expectations from Other people, including some family members? Araceli’s target is to contribute to many Relationships to become conscious of the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward by clearing energies individually and as a Couple. Sometimes she does the whole Family unit (including the Kids) Preventing paying high legal fees and easing the kids' experience through the trauma of dealing with their Parents Situation. Couples that have received Araceli’s Private Sessions have reported more joy in their relationship, better communication, understanding, more communion, better sex, money etc. Araceli also provides Tantra Coaching providing tools for Couples to have more fun making love and nurturing each other's body. ASK Yourself: If I choose this, what will my life Be like in 5 years from now? Sessions done Online or In-person Policy for Couples: Be Open to new possibilities. Have NO expectation, NO judgment, NO conclusion just show up and BE You.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation or No-Shows of any appointment requires a minimum of 24 hours notice. If cancelling within the 24 hour window of your appointment, a $100 CAD Fee is to be paid prior to rebooking.