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    Channeling a Universal Energy to heal & harmonize the Body, Mind, and Soul. A Reiki session will help you navigate life differently and ease you through many challenges. Araceli has been a Reiki Master for 22 years. She also teaches Reiki Level 1, 2, and 3. She has volunteered at Hospices for Cancer Patients and Senior homes. Reiki is soothing for the mind and body. It balances the chakras, helps with sleep and grounding. Reiki is not only for people, but it can be done for plants, animals, and spaces. Anytime you feel good, you have found vibrational alignment with who you really are. Reiki Sessions are performed Long-Distance Online over Skype, Zoom, or Phone Call.

  • SOP (Symphony Of Possibilities) 30 MIN

    What is SOP? The name says it all SOP=Symphony Of Possibilities. There is no need to figure things out, concluding or defining. Become more of YOU by relaxing and receiving SOP sessions. It creates a totally different reality. What would be fun for you to create as your life? Invites you to live a different way that is easier, more joyful and possibilities. Orchestrating the energy that is the most contribution to You, your Body and beyond……SOP Session empower you the Inner knowing, you can change, explore and create a greater life. CHOICE creates your reality. What are you choosing for you and your future? SOP can be done to your business, you, your home, your relationships, your goals, etc. Online and In-Person Session 30 mins SOP Session $333 Package Three-30 minutes Session $888


    What is Access Bars? Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more. Unlock the space of being you! What are the Health Benefits for The Body and Mind? • greater mental clarity, motivation, and problem-solving capacity. • significant increase in joy and happiness. • improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies. • decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts. • deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep. It is recommended to have 6 sessions within 3 months. How does it get any better than this? Sessions are done in-person only. CLICK on Testimonials


    Using Access Consciousness tools and clearing statements, it shifts the molecules. Araceli can contribute to anything that requires shifting in any area of your life that you are ready and choosing to change. When Araceli speaks to your energy frequency, things start unfolding and can magically show up. Sessions are Online


    75 Minute Session The Access Energetic FaceliftTM gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body. A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities. The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. While receiving an Access Facelift, many different energies are applied to the body and face, and there are many possibilities to discover what can be released. What if you could dissipate everything you have judged about your face? After experiencing 20 FaceLift sessions it stays permanently on your Body. True Story: AraCheli’s Fiance is 18 years older than her. She did a FaceLift Session on him. One of the session his Body chose to Reverse the aging of the organs by 20 years. Turning the clock to Youthfulness. He went to see his Family Doctors for some health issues that he experienced in the past for many years BEFORE AraCheli met him. He was allergic to everything, perfumes (odors) , flowers etc and he only ate Gluten-free. AraCheli took Barry under her wings and she did Energy Clearings daily, including Tai-yoga, and the food menu changed to balance his guts, body stiffness and body aches. The Doctor was surprised by Barry's health improvement in a short time and she told him to “continue doing whatever he was doing , the exam results are looking good and the Doctor was happy for him”. After FaceLift Sessions Clients a 72 years old Female Client experienced hair-loss and after a Facelift Session her hair started growing and fuller. FaceLift can be done for all ages. The Body process works for all Bodies and the body has Consciousness.How Does it get any better than this? FaceLift Session and Classes are available for you. If you have a Spa Business or starting a Business, you may consider taking Aracheli’s Classes. OR take the class just for you, just for fun and don't tell anyone :) Access Energetic FaceLift Sessions are done In-Person ONLY CLICK on Testimonials and CLICK on “About AraCeli” Enjoy….


    Do you remember when you met your Partner “Lover”? Everything was magical, your bodies were turned on and both of you were grateful about life and about each other.. Time went so fast. What happened that you and your Spouse lost that Spark? If you are married, common-law, dating, have you asked questions about what a contribution is for you and your future to stay together or not? Aracheli was married & divorced. Her ex-husband and she went to see 5 different Counselors/ Psychologists, and even went to Church weekly for Couple Coaching. They invested time and money for sessions to help them with past relationships and triggers that they carried from Childhood. They experienced few changes and Old-patterns kept repeating. It was very frustrating for both of them. Female and Male Professionals advised them to end the marriage. The Professionals were listening to them and provided them with some material to read and to practice at home. They NEVER did energy clearing on the relationship, which is the core of everything. Energy is our FIRST language. The Professionals advised to the best of their knowledge. How many times do Couples receive projections, expectations from Other people, including some family members? AraCheli’s target is to contribute to many Relationships to become conscious of the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward by clearing energies individually and as a Couple. Sometimes she does the whole Family unit (including the Kids) Preventing paying high legal fees and easing the kids' experience through the trauma of dealing with their Parents Situation. Couples that have received Aracheli’s Private Sessions have reported more joy in their relationship, better communication, understanding, more communion, better sex, money etc. Aracheli also provides Tantra Coaching providing tools for Couples to have more fun making love and nurturing each other's body. ASK Yourself: If I choose this, what will my life Be like in 1, 2, 5, 10 years from now? Is now the time? Or ASK Yourself: What do I love about having drama/trauma in my life with my Partner? Is this a contribution to my nervous system and my Body? CHOICE CREATES your reality. So what are you CHOOSING Now? Sessions done Online or In-person Policy for Couples: Be Open to new possibilities. Have NO expectation, NO judgment, NO conclusion just show up and BE You.

  • Universe Combo Session

    Ready to celebrate you, your body and your life? This COMBO Session Includes: Verbal Facilitation/Coaching SOP Session E-MRI Energetic Clearing The Tune-up Session Trauma work Intuitive Reading Akasha Records Session These sessions individually are valued at a total of $1531. Sessions are booked for 100 Minutes. Sessions are In-Person and Online.


    WHY do Energetic Clearings for your property and business? Do you know about home property and Business have Consciousness? The Land & building structure has memories locked in and can create disharmony, blockages with finances (Stress with Money, Workers, Tension with some Family Members, Health Issues, etc) Clearing the energies from past Owners that lived in the land or walked on the land is a must. Properties and Business have old Human programmed, entities, ghosts, someone past away and has not crossed -over and still hanging out in the property, and the Property is NOT selling. All of that has consciousness. AraCheli is Talented and born with true Gifts, it is a gift when she does energy clearing to remove anything and everything that in non-contribution to you and your space (home property/Business) invite Communion in the space. Conscious-Realtors have hired AraCheli to clear properties to get it ready for future Buyers and create a harmonious living space. Realtors had a property on the market for months, even years and not selling, they hired Aracheli to clear the property and it got SOLD within 10 days. Do you know anyone that is doing so well with money and when they move to a New location it turns out "bad-Luck" money stress, tension in relationships and health issues starts. There are cool experiences that turned a Skeptical mind-set into becoming more Conscious of what is truly here that our physical eyes cannot see. Have you ever watched ANY of the Haunted House Show? CLICK on testimonials, listen and read true. Also CLICK on "About AraCheli" read more and get to know her and know her conscious target she has with her family for the Community and the world. Property Sessions are done Long-Distance through Via-Zoom, WhatsApp Video call, Skype, Facetime. AraCheli will contact you, to provide her with some information prior to the Session. Property/Business Clearing is $1111 Online. IN-PERSON IS $1111 PLUS EXTRA CHARGES, BE AWARE OF TIME DRIVING, FUEL & PARKING. What else is possible and how does it get any better than this? What contribution can AraCheli Clearing Session BE for your home and business property?


    What is Sound Healing? It is a holistic modality that uses the technique based on sound, mantras, and music to bring the body, mind, and spirit back into harmony where healing takes place. Sound supports the creation of health, wholeness, and harmony. There are many types of sound treatments: 1. Sound Healing 2. Sound Wellness 3. Sound Therapy Learn to change your reality with sound by restoring natural patterns and original blueprints for living being (humans, animals, plants) and properties. Sound Wellness is both science and art. The science of sound are many: Cymatic, Frequency, Rhythm, Natural Frequency, Listen from the inside out, Resonance and much more. We use musical equipment tuning the body in many ways, Example: With the voice, Tuning the Chakras with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks, which the crystalline structure in the body (light body). Are you aware a fetus can hear sound waves from the womb? They can recognize the parents voice. How magical and unique we are made. What else is possible here? Sessions are done In-person or Online. Recommended in-person.


    What is the ROLE of the Lymphatic System in the Body? How much do we acknowledge the Lymphatic System? Lymphatic System is part of the circulatory system it is essential. Our Body is made up to 75% of water or fluids. The Body Cells has TWO fluids INSIDE the cell = Intracellular Fluid OUTSIDE the cell = Extracellular Fluid The Cells are BATHED in a fluid called “ INTERSTITIAL FLUID”. This fluid provides NUTRIENTS & REMOVES waste products. The lymphatic Vessels has HUGE responsibility to MAINTAIN the BALANCE of the Body Fluid. Lymphatic Systems plays major role in the Immune System including the T-Cells and B-Cells Once you commit to your health and book your sessions, AraCheli will email you the information how to prepare 1-2 days PRIOR to your Lymphatic Session. AraCheli was a Massage Therapist and she done lots of Lymphatic Massage. Using the Tuning Fork she witnessed more results. BENEFITs: Relief of chronic pain Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia Reduction in edemas(swelling) and lymphedema’s of various origins Detoxification of the body It is best to commit minimun 6 Sessions. AraCheli is passionate for helping the Body to stay healthier 24/7. Together we contribute to the Body. PLEASE do wear underwear during the session, AraCheli will drape you with a massage sheet. PLEASE do NOT wear underwired bra- it hinders the flow of the lymph around the breasts and under arms. Let’s stimulates your Lymphatic System to flow better and better. Reduce swelling caused by sluggish flow of lymphatic. It takes a Tribe to keep the Body Healthy! Choose it and Commit. CHOOSE what is best for your Body, BE conscious of WHAT you eat/drink, WHO you hang out with, and your ENVIRONMENT is important. Stress can create gain weight (water retention, inflammation) Clearing the lymphatic Sluggish helps Clearing Your mind You will receive the address by email with instructions to prepare PRIOR to your Lymphatic Session. * All Genders are Welcome to have this treatment. Sessions are done In-Person Only.

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