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    What is Access Bars?


    Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more.


    Unlock the space of being you! What are the Health Benefits for The Body and Mind?

    • greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving capacity.

    • significant increase is joy and happiness.

    • improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies.

    • decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts.

    • deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep.


    Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!

    Easy to learn, inexpensive and hands-on with a fully-trained facilitator guiding you in the technique.


     Access Consciousness

    Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way and change the things in your life that you haven’t been able to change until now.

    It empowers you to know that you know and provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are.


    Access Consciousness is available in 173 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of more than 100,000 thousand people around the world for the past 25 years.



    The Access Bars Class AND Access Bars Sessions  is a hands on, in-person class. Long-distance sessions do not work, as Bars is a hands-on process that only works with the energy created by touching. It simply does NOT work long distance!


    Access Clearing Statements

    What if a few weird words could totally change your life?

    Access Consciousness® offers potent tools for change and transformation. If you are around people who have done Access Consciousness® classes or telecalls, you are likely to hear them say this weird thing that sounds totally like a foreign language, or maybe you won’t even hear it because your brain has just turned into mush! (In case you’re wondering… this is a really good thing – it means the clearing statement is working its magic on you!!).


    These crazy weird words are the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement - a simple tool that thousands of people around the world use every day to continually create a life of ease, joy and glory.


    How does the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement work?

    Much of what we would like to change is not cognitive or logical; it is created and held energetically. Take a moment to recall a time when you got really angry about something without being clear about the logical reason… was it actually an energy you were aware of?


    Many modalities clear the limitations built around words. Access Consciousness® clears the energy underneath the words.


    The beauty, magic and potency of the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! So, you don’t need to go through the pain, suffering and gory of reliving a situation to clear the charge on it! How does it get even better than that?


    So, when you ask a question or think about something that is limiting you or not working for you, there is an energy that comes up. It’s a lot like defragging a computer. The energy comes up, you run the clearing statement and then you have a whole lot more space from which to create anything you choose!


    CHOICE creates your true reality. What contribution will you get of this class if you CHOOSE IT? See You my Friends


    Facilitator: Araceli Guerrero "AraCheli"

    If you would like to have your OWN Private class with your Family and Friends call us to arrange time and date. AraCheli has 6 massage tables for 12 Participants. 

    Would you like to HOST Araceli at your City or Town  let us  know. Find out what can you earn from Heavenly Warrior Yoga Wellness. 403-617-1001

    PRACTITIONER CLASS | ACCESS BARS | Upcoming Sept 1st (Nanaimo, BC)


    Classes are done in-person only. Once the participant has made their payment they will be contacted via e-mail or text and be provided with a physical address. Once you show up for class and receive the manual, there is NO REFUND.

    **Make sure that you register for this Class on the Access Webiste HERE**

    Access Consciousness classes have global pricing based on the country you live and work in.

    If you live and work in Canada, please choose that option and price in the drop down menu above.

    If you live and work in a country not listed in the drop down, we will contact you with a link that has your correct pricing.

    You are also welcome to pay by bank transfer in your currency - please email us for that information.

    Access Consciousness Global Pricing applies on this program.
    Click HERE to find your price in the world.

    If you have already taken this class within the last 12 Months, you pay half price. You must register through to confirm you have taken the class within the last 12 months. Payment will be invoiced to you directly.

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