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  • 30 minutes
  • 100 Canadian dollars


AraCheli does NOT read Tarot Cards. She does organic readings of your Body, Events Past, Present and Future. You are welcome to go read the Testimonials. Araceli done services in 9 countries. Are you struggling with making a decision, confused, scattered, stuck on a situation, stuck in a job or a relationship or stuck on the SAME patterns? Book your session and bring your questions to AraCheli, let's go into your Space and speak to your Soul. Access an inner-knowing and nurture your intuitive power to greater strengths. The refined gifts to perceive extra-sensory information and relay messages to the client is always an awakening experience that is different for everyone.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation or No-Shows of any appointment requires a minimum of 24 hours notice. If cancelling within the 24 hour window of your appointment, a $100 CAD Fee is to be paid prior to rebooking.

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